Soorten acne


Acne is a common skin problem with various types.Here are some common types of acne:

Comedonal Acne (Blackheads/Whiteheads)
Appearance: Comedones are the primary feature, which are plugs composed of sebum, dead skin cells, etc. They are often found on the nose, nasal wings, nasolabial folds, and chin. They appear as slightly raised bumps with visible black/white debris in enlarged pores.
Severity: Mild; affects aesthetics to some extent.

Papular Acne
Appearance: Papules are small, solid bumps ranging from the size of a millet seed to a pea (1-5 mm in diameter). They are commonly found on the forehead, cheeks, chin, and temples. They are deep red or light red in color and have a firm texture. Some papules may have a comedo or an unblackened sebum plug at the top.
Severity: Mild to moderate; improper care can lead to pustules.

    Pustular Acne
    Appearance: Pustules are larger red pimples resembling peas, grains of sand, or blisters. They typically occur on the cheeks and evolve from papular acne. Pustules have a swollen top filled with white pus and are prone to rupture. Improper handling can result in post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scars.
    Severity: Moderate; usually accompanied by papules; a larger area appears red.

    Nodular Acne
    Appearance: Nodules are larger (around 5 mm) dark red, hard lumps. Some nodules may be purplish or dark brown. They often appear on the cheeks and along the jawline. Nodules usually lack a visible pustule but may contain pus, bacterial remnants, mite corpses, sebum, and keratin. Pressing on them causes pain.
    Severity: Moderate to severe; deeper infections can reach the dermis.

    Cystic Acne
    Appearance: Cysts are large, round, or oval-shaped lesions. They commonly occur on the cheeks, chin, and along the jawline. They can be the size of a soybean or even larger. When squeezed, the head appears black, while the body is yellow-white, translucent, and sebum-filled. They feel fluctuant when touched, with continuous production of pus.
    Severity: Severe; difficult to heal, prone to scarring, requires prompt medical attention.

    These descriptions represent general cases, and specific types of acne may vary. It is important to understand acne to address it properly. However, if acne is severe, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist at a hospital for timely treatment.