¿Por qué aparecen manchas blancas en las uñas?


It’s a condition where the appearance of the fingernails or toenails turns white,also known as leukonychia or white nail disease. It can be further classified into punctate leukonychia, transverse leukonychia, partial leukonychia, and total leukonychia. If there is no problem with the nail plate but the nail bed is affected, it is referred to as obvious leukonychia.

This condition can occur at any age and can be caused by various factors. Punctate leukonychia is often caused by minor trauma and is common in children. Transverse leukonychia and partial leukonychia are usually associated with other diseases and are more common in adults. Total leukonychia is rare and is associated with genetic factors. Obvious leukonychia is commonly caused by nail bed swelling and may be related to internal diseases.

What are the specific symptoms?

The main symptom is a change in the color of the nail plate, with visible white patches or stripes of varying sizes. There are five common types:

Punctate leukonychia: Irregular white spots on the nails that do not fade when pressed.

Transverse leukonychia: Horizontal or vertical white stripes on the nails, one or several, with varying widths that do not fade when pressed.

Partial leukonychia: Partial whitening of the nails, with white patches appearing without fading when pressed.

Total leukonychia: Complete whitening of the nails, which also do not fade when pressed.

Obvious leukonychia: White color visible through the transparent nail plate, which fades when pressed. Obvious leukonychia can be further classified into Muehrcke’s nails, Terry’s nails, and half-and-half nails.

  • Muehrcke’s nails: Multiple transverse white bands on the nails parallel to the lunula (the whitish crescent-shaped area near the nail base).
  • Terry’s nails: In Terry’s nails, the distal 1-2 mm of the nail appears normal pink, while the entire nail plate or the proximal part appears white due to changes in the nail bed.
  • Half-and-half nails: Half-and-half nails show a clear boundary between a white proximal part and a red, pink, or brown distal part.

Most cases of leukonychia do not have a significant impact on overall health and mainly affect the appearance. Whether treatment is necessary depends on individual needs and aesthetic requirements. If leukonychia is caused by an underlying condition, it is important to actively treat the primary disease to eliminate the root cause of leukonychia. When seeking medical attention, it is usually recommended to start with a dermatologist who can rule out or treat any dermatological causes. If further internal medicine treatment is needed, an internist will evaluate, diagnose, and provide treatment to address any underlying medical issues.