Warum haben junge Menschen weiße Haare?


Normally, people start getting white hair around the age of 35, as a natural physiological process where the activity of tyrosinase, an enzyme in the melanocytes, decreases with age. This leads to a gradual loss of melanin in the hair shaft, resulting in the hair turning gray or white. However, there are cases where individuals develop white hair at a young age, which can be classified into congenital and acquired causes.

What are the basic factors that can cause premature graying of hair in young individuals?

Emotional distress, mental strain, and high stress levels: Prolonged periods of sadness, depression, or mental stress can potentially contribute to premature graying of hair. Stress is considered a significant factor in causing white hair. Chronic stress may lead to the production of a hormone called cortisol, which is associated with the development of white hair. Therefore, it is important for young individuals to manage their stress levels and find ways to relax and unwind.

Genetic factors, medications, and underlying health conditions: These factors can also contribute to the graying of hair at a young age. Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to premature graying. If there are family members who experienced early graying, it increases the likelihood of developing white hair at a young age. Additionally, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, thyroid issues, and disorders of the autonomic nervous system can all be associated with premature graying.

Poor nutrition: Adequate nutrition is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Different ethnicities have different hair colors due to variations in melanin production. For example, Caucasian hair is typically blonde, while Asian hair is typically dark brown. Prolonged deficiencies in specific minerals and vitamins, such as certain trace elements or B vitamins, can affect hair color and potentially lead to premature graying.

Irregular lifestyle and poor health: Young people who lead a high-stress lifestyle, lack physical exercise, have irregular eating habits, or engage in unhealthy habits may experience premature graying. It is important for young individuals to prioritize their overall well-being, including regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and healthy lifestyle habits, as these factors can help prevent premature graying.

If the cause is primarily genetic, it may be difficult to treat. However, after ruling out any underlying medical conditions, dietary adjustments or hair dyeing can be attempted to improve the situation. It’s important to note that there is no definitive one-size-fits-all solution. If you are unsure whether your white hair is congenital or acquired, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and expert advice. They can further evaluate potential causes and provide appropriate treatment or recommendations.